Saturday, December 13, 2008

12 days to Christmas

Wow, 12 days to Christmas. We talk about the 12 days of Christmas (or at least sing about them) but today I am realizing that I want to take the time to Celebrate what Christmas is really all about during these 12 days. May God prepare my heart to truly appreciate the gift of the season. No matter what I want for Christmas or how many presents are under the tree, I know that I have already received the ULTIMATE gift: to know God personally. He is MY SAVIOR and FRIEND. He comforts me and loves me even when I fail him, he protects me and convicts me when I fail. He provides, secures, loves and disciplines...........He is all to me. I pray that the next 12 days will not just running around "finishing everything before christmas" but that the next 12 days will be days that I focus on why we celebrate at all. I hope you will do the same.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

My wonderful, wonderful kids

I guess I often mention my kids in post but haven't really taken the time to talk about each one of them. I am very proud of all my children......
I usually start at the oldest and work my way down but today I will talk about them from Lauren to Brandon.
Lauren is now 13. I can't believe it! I still remember being pregnant for her. I was so nervous the whole time....being a high risk pregnancy and having to count movements every hour made things more frightening. After losing Matthew when I was 7 1/2 months pregnant made this pregnancy a year after so much more complicated for me. But God is so good and faithful. I remember going to the doctor for my check ups and holding my breath every time they tried to hear the heartbeat. (that is how we found out Matthew had died). Anyway, Matthew is thought about often and he makes me even more grateful to God for the three wonderful kids that are with me now. Back to Lauren: She has been cooking pancakes since she was four! (with supervision of course) but she learned to mix them and cook them on the griddle. She loves cooking!! And its been really great to see her interest in cooking. She is also a lot of help with that gift because she will cook dinner for us sometimes. Steak is her favorite meal! She is in 8th grade and is so kind and forgiving, beautiful and sweet......she is just such a blessing. She is shy but so hilarious!!!
Kristen.....what can you say about Kristen in just a few sentences. She is great!!! Not only is she beautiful but she can make you laugh at the drop of a hat. She is my drama queen....She is so good at drama and very gifted in lots of other areas. She is artistic and definitely has some skills in the hair and make-up area. She cuts all of our hair and keeps me blonde. (hehe). She is very caring (even though she tries to hide it with sacrasm). She is protective of her siblings and of her family. I have seen her mature so much into this wonderful young woman whom I am very proud of.
Brandon.......our college student. Its crazy....I know that I am 40 and definitely old enough to have a 19 yr. old but it still blows my mind that I am actually that old. I certainly don't feel like I am. One day I was talking with my cousin and we agreed that somehow our children have become adults (or at least teenagers) and yet we feel the same. Our parents have aged and so have our kids but somehow we have staying the same. Impossible I know but its just the way I feel. Anyway......Brandon moved away to Jackson, TN to go to Union University. I am so proud of him (of course, I am not sure if he knows know, he's 19 and wants to separate himself from But anyway, we are looking forward to seeing him for Christmas. He transitioned well into college life, seems to have lots of fun and lots of friends. He is so talented as well.
All my kids seem to have wonderful skills and talents. They are talented, beautiful and blessed. I hope they appreciate who they are and who they belong to. I love knowing that they have all met Jesus and asked Him to be their savior. What greater gift can a parent have then to know that their children are saved.

btw- Kristen has a great boyfriend named Gunnar. Kevin and I like him a lot. I am pleased to see how much he respects our daughter. He has become part of our family already!!
Guess that is at on the fam.......if you are reading this, think about us sometimes and pray for our family: pray that our children will be blessed and have fruitful relationships with Christ and that our family will grow in unity.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Old friends reunite!!

How cool is facebook? I am so enjoying catching up with old friends..........takes me back to a life that I almost don't remember sometimes. It doesn't seem like I graduated from high school 22 years ago. I sure don't feel that old. Its like I've grown up but still feel the same age. (Not 18 of course and thank God for that!!!). Its just hard to explain but if you are like me, you understand exactly what I mean.
Anyway, I thank God for renewed friendships....its great to see that God has touched so many of them and changed their lives just like he did mine. Its also great to see how blessed I am in my own life as I get to share with others what the Lord has done in my life......
oh, oh, its 12:30am - time to wake up Kevin for work.....gotta go.
but if you are one of my friends reading this: thank you! and God bless you all

My husband!!

Kevin has no idea what I am feeling about him these days. I try to tell him how blessed I am and how much I love him but I don't think he understands it. He finally left retail and is so happy ( I am too to see him happy). He works two jobs to keep our finances where we need them and he doesn't complain. He goes to work in the wee hours of the morning (lately when I go to bed, he is getting up to leave sometimes) and works until late afternoon. I feel so totally blessed to see him working so hard to provide for our family. I am so glad that he is enjoying what he is doing-that does make a huge difference. He is working at UPS and then with Bobby LeCompte at Eggplant Pictures doing something he really enjoys. God is good. I keep praying for his safety as he is on the road at 1am or coming home after a long day. If you think of it, please pray for him throughout the day!!!
Anyway, I can't believe its going to be 20 years since we have been married. I love him more today than all those years ago and I thank God that he blessed me with this man. To those of you who are married- I pray that you have that same kind of love for your spouse-hold on through the tough times and trust that God will get you through each moment. To those of you who are single - wait for God to bless you with your soulmate-its worth the wait!!!!

Christmas Time

Well, there is no doubt about it, its Christmas Time!! We had our turkey a few weeks ago, the stores are packed with people and there are beautiful lights almost everywhere. I love Christmas!! But not because of all the presents and candy and parties but because it is a time when we can shout out to the world: JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON. Yes, I say Merry Christmas to everyone!!!! Don't get me wrong, we do presents and I LOVE getting presents but more important than any material gift we can get is knowing that our Savior was born so that He would die to offer each one of us salvation.....I am a child of God and no matter what happens, I KNOW that I will be with him in glory!! You can KNOW that too. Its a perfect time of the year to accept the gift of salvation. You accept every other gift you get this time of year. We give presents to let others know that we love them and are thinking of them. We take this time of year to say "you are important to me and because of Jesus' birthday-we share gifts with one another. So again I ask, why not accept the greatest gift. It serves the same (but greater purpose)-Jesus gift of Salvation is because he loves us exactly where we are right now. Won't you take the gift???? I pray that this christmas you will open your eyes and heart and truly get the meaning of Christmas.