Monday, December 8, 2008

Old friends reunite!!

How cool is facebook? I am so enjoying catching up with old friends..........takes me back to a life that I almost don't remember sometimes. It doesn't seem like I graduated from high school 22 years ago. I sure don't feel that old. Its like I've grown up but still feel the same age. (Not 18 of course and thank God for that!!!). Its just hard to explain but if you are like me, you understand exactly what I mean.
Anyway, I thank God for renewed friendships....its great to see that God has touched so many of them and changed their lives just like he did mine. Its also great to see how blessed I am in my own life as I get to share with others what the Lord has done in my life......
oh, oh, its 12:30am - time to wake up Kevin for work.....gotta go.
but if you are one of my friends reading this: thank you! and God bless you all

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